It seems at times we create options that God never wanted us to consider.
Here are a few examples: The church at Laodecia in Revelations 3 thought lukewarm was a viable option for how to do church. The rich man in Mark 10 thought keeping the 10 commandments was a good option to obtain eternal life. And the Old Testament generation of Malachi thought bringing God their left overs was an acceptable option that would meet the required minimums. In each of these examples it's not that the people weren't doing anything. It's that what they were doing was less than their best. And, God has always wanted and expected and demanded our best.
On the other side of the pendulum we see those like the church in Galatia that started down a path that Paul called "another gospel" (Gal 1:6) That path or option is described perfectly in Galatians 3:3 (TEV) "You began by God's Spirit; do you now want to finish by your own power?" That church started to believe that following and keeping the Old Testament law was what God wanted. They were using God's words to create an option that God never wanted them to consider.
Now this example of the church at Galatia is interesting to me for this reason. The first group I mentioned were lowering Gods standard or expectation. And most people can see that this is wrong. But, this group in the book of Galatians was, in their minds, raising the bar. They were using what we now call the Bible to create a "higher" level of obedience. And that is the hardest deception to fight against. People or religions that have a verse to back up what they do are the most dangerous people of all. They feel justified in their "obedience". They feel secure in their "following of the rules". And they miss what God is really after. They create an option that God never wanted us to consider. They in essence turn living for God into a religion. And religions don't need an ever present "NOW" God. Nor do they desire an ever revealing relationship with God. They only want to keep their religions going. And unfortunately too many people are way passionate about their religions but not so passionate about their God. That's what the church at Galatia was turning into - A Spirit filled group of Old Testament followers. And that was an option God wasn't interested in.
Now, before you decide who I'm writing to or what you hear me saying between the lines, let me say this. I would never write something or preach a message with an expected audience in mind. I write and preach to myself first. I write and preach out of my own experiences with God. So if what I just wrote offended you - that's God not me.
Step back for a minute and think about it though. Don't you feel we spend to much time arguing and debating within the walls of the church? Doesn't it seem like we are wasting a little too much time and energy studying to prove what we already believe? Doesn't it seem at times like we are preaching and writing things for the sole purpose of making us feel good and making us look right?
What about this: How about we all get the focus off making ourselves feel justified in our religions. How about focusing on ourselves instead of those who are not like us. How about we spend more time praying for one another instead of preying on one another.
Anyways, Back to my original thought, which was - Don't we all create options that God never intended for us to consider?
Right now, for me personally, I am just so stirred by all the deviations I see in my own life that are first of all less than what God would want or deserve. And, second by all the religious beliefs that I have just accepted as truth. But that alone is not what has me going today. The part of this dilemma that has me really fired up is this. It's the question that I feel God is challenging me with.
Why am I so slow to do something about all this stuff after God let's me see it for what it is?
I think it's because I have accepted the notion and belief that these deviations and shortcomings are acceptable options before God. I have bought into the lie that God doesn't care or that in the end following my religion is equivalent with following God. And that is so not the truth
Now I would never come out and just say "I do this and I know it's less than my best - but God doesn't care" I would never admit that I'm more influenced by my religious beliefs than I am by the present Spirit of God that is at work within me. No, I say it in my actions and attitude. I say it in my heart and mind. I say it in how I spend my time and who I seek to please. I say it in what I do with the new truths that God is showing me everyday. I say it in who I am afraid of and intimidated by. I say it in many ways that no one ever hears.
And I can't speak for you, but as for me and my house I don't want to say that stuff anymore I want to rise above my pre-conceived, pre-determined, narrow minded, argumentative, religious beliefs and open my heart up to God. I want to be like those in Acts 17:11 that were, the King James says "more noble" the New Living translation says they were "more open-minded". I want to be open to new truths and revelations like the Bareans and not closed like Thessalonicians who are contrasted in that verse.
Acts 17:11 (NLT) And the people of Berea were more open-minded than those in Thessalonica, and they listened eagerly to Paul's message. They searched the scriptures day after day to check up on Paul and Silas, to see if they were really teaching the truth.
God, don't let me get stuck like those in Thessalonica. Let me be open-minded like the Bereans so that you can lead and guide me into all truth. So that I will find myself living for you the way you intended for me to live for you. Amen
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Pastor this is awesome and convicting post. The idea that we often settle for what we are comfortable with rather than continue to live on the edge of where God's Spirit is leading. More and more I'm convinced that the gift of the Holy Spirit was for a continual, ongoing, leading of us into all truth. When we stop, when we say we know enough we miss out on so much. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteI appreciate the note Pastor. I find I struggle with as Paul put it in Romans 4:21 of being fully persuaded. I have a desire to draw nearer and I really want to cultivate that desire into more action.
ReplyDeleteIt's so tempting to choose the path of complacency, just settling into what we believe is enough. Especially when we've followed the Holy Spirit to a certain point and get lulled into thinking that is all He has for us... Just one revelation of Himself in our lives! Oh God, let me continually check my heart, thoughts and actions against what you would have of me!