Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Being a Disciple

Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations... Matthew 28:19

That’s our mandate. That’s the challenge. That’s the goal. So where do we start this process and how do we evaluate progress? I ask that because it’s clear from the Bible some groups thought they were doing a good job only to find out later they were failing miserably.

Take for instance the church at Laodicea, they were rich and increased with goods and had no material needs, that’s how the Bible describes them. Talk about a financially stable church, a church with a healthy and successful life skills training program. Laodicea had it going on. I’m sure in their community they were the church to attend. Because the people seemed so grounded and stable. Yes, they seem a little arrogant and somewhat snobby. But at least what they were proud about - was true. And maybe in their minds they attributed their success to God’s principles at work in their church. But look at the rebuke they received from God. So do we learn from that story that disciples are people who are poor and have need of everything? I don't think so.

What about the other churches that are mentioned in Revelations 2 and 3. They all had some great aspects about them and disciple attributes in them. But yet, God still was not pleased. He told Ephesus: "turn back to me as you did in the beginning or I’m going to come and remove your lampstand from its place among the churches". He told the churches at Pergamos and Sardis: "repent or I will come unto you suddenly". So do we learn from them that God will only be satisfied when we get it all perfect? No, that's not right either.

I could go on and on asking pointless questions and going down dead end roads in my search to understand what God means by “make disciples”. But I think the point is clear: discipleship is not as simple as joining a church or getting saved. Making disciples does not mean we make a list of boxes that everyone needs to check off. Becoming a disciple is not a destination that you arrive at. It’s a daily decision that must be made and re-made everyday. Listen to the words of Jesus

Luke 9:23 (NLT) "If any of you wants to be my follower, you must put aside your selfish ambition, shoulder your cross daily, and follow me.

It’s a daily decision – and that is what makes it so difficult. You can’t choose to be His disciple for the rest of your life. You can only choose to be his disciple today, and then re-commit tomorrow It’s a one day at a time decision that must be made everyday.

This point is important because being a disciple is a personal decision. And that personal decision may be harder for some than it is for others. Some make that daily decision and lose their life for it. While others make that decision and are blessed. Does that seem fair to you? It’s not and it’s never going to be. But the fact remains we all have that personal decision we must make everyday. Look how Jesus said it

Luke 14:27 (NLT) And you cannot be my disciple if you do not carry your own cross and follow me.

You have to carry “your own cross”. I can’t carry yours or ask God for one like yours. I have to carry mine, whatever it may be. Being a disciple of Jesus Christ means I stop expecting the requirements to be fair and equal and I see the cross that is in front of me – MY cross. And I make the daily decision to carry it proudly and confidently as His disciple. This may seem unfair and confusing. But, that is the way it is. And as a Pastor my job is to daily challenge the people God has put under me to pick up their crosses and continue the march. And then call them to make that decision again tomorrow. No matter what happens to them whether it's good or bad.

Have you made your decision today?

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Getting Out of the Boat

Let me start by stating that I know what we are planning to do in August is revolutionary. And in September we're going to find out whether it was a good idea or a bad one. But one thing is certain: we will not be confined by the limitations of a building in our pursuit to experience church together.

This whole idea has come about because the school we have been using for the past year is going to be used by an after school project that is having their facilities remodeled. And so we are out. Which, to be honest with you, at first was a real bummer.

But, as we began to talk and think about what God was trying to tell us through all this, we felt compelled to try something radical, something out of the box and definitely challenging. But, what makes it exciting is we feel it’s a God thought. And we never want to get locked into the safety of a boat when God is challenging us to get out of the boat.

So for the month of August we’re getting out of the normal routine of doing church in a building with music, children’s programming and a message and we’re going to focus on connecting and serving. No great worship sets. No great oratory, no working, planning or paying for one two hour space of time when we all come together to be entertained and hopefully spiritually inspired. Instead we’re going to focus all of our attention and resources on connecting with one another and serving those around us. And we feel when it is done we will all be better and stronger and more connected.

Now none of this is meant to be something that we are going to do for the rest of our church lives. When Jesus told Peter to get out the boat and walk on the water, He didn’t cease to use boats anymore. The next time we see Peter out on the water he was in a boat again. He didn’t start walking on water everywhere. It was a one time experience that was meant to challenge Peter’s faith and ability to trust God. This is what we feel God is challenging us to do. Get out of our Sunday church at 11:00 boat and do something we’ve never even thought about doing. Cancel church and spend all that “church” time serving and connecting.

To be honest with you, I’m excited and scared to death at the same time. My excitement is because I know we are following God. My fear is because I worry that people will not rise to the challenge and see this as an opportunity.

So I’m putting the challenge out there – I pray that no one will draw back and let pessimism take over their mind. My prayer is that excitement will sweep our church. That a spirit of love will sweep through our midst. I pray that something happens in the month of August that will forever change us as a people.

So, get out of the boat with us and together let’s connect and serve like never before.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

The Church Has Left the Building

Imagine the typical Sunday morning complete with all the typical expectations and attitudes. It starts with the alarm going off and the sluggish response on your part to getting out of bed. Finally you roll out and begin getting ready for church. You head to the kitchen and quickly scarf down a bowl of cereal, locate one of your many Bibles, then head out the door with the family.

The ride over is quiet and non-eventful as everyone is still waking up. But then as you approach the church you notice the signs that usually direct people in, are missing. You think to yourself – “someone must have forgotten to do their job”. Then as you turn the corner you notice something even more fact quite disturbing. Instead of a parking lot full of cars and people out in front laughing and talking, there is no one in sight. The parking lot is empty and the building seems deserted.

You blink twice to make sure you're not hallucinating, but each time you open your eyes it becomes clearer and clearer that church is not happening today. You check your watch to see if you’ve arrived early. You ask your wife what day it is. Finally, you grab your phone to call the pastor. Something is wrong or you missed an announcement or an e-mail. They couldn’t or wouldn’t just disappear over night like that.

Feeling a little anxious and somewhat annoyed you open your mouth to voice your disapproval. But the words do little to calm your mind. So in a semi-panicked fit of a religious fix need, you wheel the car into the church parking lot and park.

Twenty minutes and twenty attempts later you finally get the pastor on the line. "Where are you guys?" You ask sarcastically. Did we move? What’s up? His response was not one you were prepared to hear.

“We’ve decided to take a few Sundays and go out into our community and BE THE CHURCH. We’re going to serve our neighbors and build relationships with each other and just enjoy being the church for a few weeks.”

As that concept begins to sink in, you hurriedly come to your senses and ask the next logical question. “So what are we doing today to be the church?” “Thanks for asking” the pastor responded. “Today we’re...

What would happen if a church was crazy enough to just cancel their Sunday church service and in its place schedule a bunch of serving opportunities and relationship building atmospheres?

Well here at Family Life Christian Fellowship we’re going to find out. For the whole month of August we're going to cancel church as we’ve known it – (A worship set, children’s programming, a message from the pastor etc. You know the normal routine of a church service). And instead we’re going to do something different.

We’re going to get out of the normal church on Sunday box and we’re going to use that time that we’ve all already dedicated to God in a new and exciting way. And out of this month here’s what we hope to accomplish:

•Build relationships between our church and other community organizations
•Reach unchurched friends by inviting them to come serve with us
•Improve the reputation of our church in our community
•Plant spiritual seeds of God's care through serving our neighbor's
•Share God's love in a tangible way
•Move our members from inactive to active

So I encourage you – Get out of your religious, go to a building on Sunday, normal, same ole same ole, predictable church box and try something new with us. We’ll get back to having church again in September, but for August we’re going to be radical in a whole new way. And I think we’re going to learn some stuff about ourselves that will make us a better church in the future.

So here we go!